Standard GLOBAL G.A.P.
Global G.A.P. standard: nowadays Global G.A.P.is a worldwide certification system, demanding best cultivation and processing practices, especially as far as the correct plants protection, fertilization, cultivation techniques, irrigation, waste management, workers safety and environmental care go.
Systems specification
IFA complementing standards
IFA standards are complemented by additional standards which might be incorporated in some cases.
Additional standards:
- “GRASP” module (Global GAP risk assessment on social practices)
- “Risk evaluation for social environment” for companies that have the Global GAP certificate; the standard aims at concerns around working environments
- “Chain of custody” module: the standard is used with production structures, which are not the primary production structures; it aims at checking and identifying certifications even among uncertified products.
All products with Global GAP certification while changing the official owner or being processed by outsourcing, and are sold with Global GAP logo, must be up to GlobalGAP control standards, with regard to the source.
There are two basic certification models:
Option no. 1: an individual producer wishes to certificate their products according to Global GAP standards, in scope of their particular business activity (like fruit and vegetables cultivation, cattle breeding, etc.)
Option no. 2: a group of producers (like producers cooperatives) wishes to certificate harvested products in accordance to Global GAP standards, completed with management standards, which means implementing Quality Management System. With this option the leading producer gets the certification, and they guarantee the other producers implementing all standards.
Certification advantages
- Recognition on Polish and foreign markets, possibility of entering international markets
- Ability to take advantage of existing relations with other certification systems (ISO 9001, BRC, IFS, ISO22000, HACCP, product certificates)
- Guarantee for the consumer to get healthy, safe products
- Proof of keeping with high international standards, which helps with market competition
- Lowering costs of production related to production efficiency in raw materials use and lowering the use of artificial cultivation products
- Minimization of environmental harming, using certain re-cultivation techniques and environment protection
- Certification has a great marketing value- the certified products are licensed to be sold in marketing chains and abroad.